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Quick start

Table of contents

Use this Quick Start guide to get you up and running with a working AI or live chat hosted by your App.

System Requirements

  • Java 8 or higher.
  • Gradle 5.3.6 or higher.
  • Android Studio.
  • The SDK supports devices with API level 16 or higher. (since version 3.5.0)

Set up the SDK on your App.

  1. Import SDK dependencies

    Check here for latest SDK version and needed dependencies

  2. Extra configurations on build.gradle:

    Add the following to the android{...} block definition

     android {
         kotlinOptions {
             freeCompilerArgs = ['-Xjvm-default=compatibility']
             jvmTarget = "1.8"
         //overcome the following error: "More than one file was found with OS independent path..."
             pickFirst 'META-INF/atomicfu.kotlin_module'
             // those may also be needed:
             pickFirst 'META-INF/main_debug.kotlin_module'
             pickFirst 'META-INF/main_release.kotlin_module'

👍 Now you are ready to integrate and create some chats.

Create and start a chat

Follow the next steps to create and start a chat.

  1. Create an Account

  2. Create ChatController

    With the ChatController one can create and control multiple chats. The chat type is configured by the Account that is provided on chat creation.

     val chatController = ChatController.Builder(context)
                                           .build(account, ...)
     // start a new chat, using same chatController:
     // restore active chat or starts new chat
     chatController.restoreChat(fragment?, account?)

  3. Add the chat fragment to your activity.

    Implement the ChatLoadedListener interface and pass it in the ChatController.Builder build method.
    Once the chat build succeeded and the fragment is ready to be displayed, onComplete will be called with the fragment on the result.

     ChatController.Builder(context).build(account, object : ChatLoadedListener {
             override fun onComplete(result: ChatLoadResponse) {
                   // report Chat load failed
                 } ?: run{
                   // add result.getFragment() to the applications activity.


Make sure to activate ChatController.destruct(), when the ChatController instance is no longer needed (e.g., Chats UI in app is being closed or the ChatController instance is being replaced). Destruct will verify resources release (including open sockets and communication channels).

Code Sample

bold360ai samples -