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Bridging interface between the hosting App and the chat SDK. The ChatController provides APIs to enable hosting Apps to create and manage chats.

How to use

The ChatControler is created with a builder class. The builder can be configured with providers and listeners, that will be used by the ChatController during the chat progress, to pass events and notifications to the hosting App and to trigger App’s actions in some cases.
ChatController creation also triggers the creation and start of the configured chat as was provided to the, AccountInfo parameter. The ChatController instance may be used for multiple chats creation.

👉 First chat starts with the ChatController creation, no need to call startChat to activate it.

Start chats

After ChatController instance creation, chats can be started with startChat, which defines a new chat, or with restoreChat that can be used to continue a previous ongoing chat.

End chats

With the ChatController instance, the hosting App can end active chats.

  • Use endChat, to end the current active chat.

    forceClose = true can be passed, for fast chat closure. When force closing live chat, postchat form will not be activated.

  • Use terminateChat, to end all current active chats.

    e.g., Bot chat was escalated to live chat. In order to close both bot and escalated chats we use chatController.terminateChat()

  • Once the ChatController has no more active chats, it passes a StateEvent.Idle, to its attached ChatEventListener implementation.

Destruct and release

In order to release the ChatController’s resources, use ChatController.destruct().
Destructed ChatController instance can no longer be used to create/manage chats. Any usage attempt will end with IllegalStateException.

ChatController destruction, releases resources and listeners, but does not ends the open chats. Ending active chats (terminateChat) should be activated by the hosting App prior to ChatController destruction.