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File Upload Work in progress

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The SDK provides an upload mechanism, but enables you to use your own.

Follow the next steps to integrate upload functionality to your chat:

If you don’t use the SDK for chat ui creation, but want to use the provided uploader mechanism, go to step 2.

1. Define your file upload trigger

The UI component the user will use to trigger the upload.

  • Use SDK provided trigger

    The SDK provides an upload trigger (attach icon) which will be positioned inside the input field. In order to be notified when the user had activated the trigger in order to do some uploads, you need to implement onUploadFileRequest in ChatEventListener.

      override fun onUploadFileRequest(){
          // user wants to upload content to the agent
    • Customize upload icon:

    via ChatInputUIProvider config object.

      val chatController = ChatController.Builder(this).apply {
  • Use your own trigger

    • Apply your own upload UI component.
      Insure that upload feature is enabled, before you display the UI to the user:

      Learn how to enable/disable file transfer on admin console here

    • Hide the SDKs upload icon:

      val chatController = ChatController.Builder(this).apply {
              chatInputUIProvider.uiConfig.showUpload = false

2. Choose an upload provider

  • Use SDK’s provided uploader

    • Create a FileUploadInfo object, for every content you need to upload.

      //... user selected the file to upload
      val uploadInfo = FileUploadInfo().apply{
          type = ... // as defined in @FileType
          name = ... // can differ from the actual file name
          filePath = ... // actual selected file path
          content = file.readBytes()... // if was not provided on the constructor
    • Activate the upload:

      1. When using the ChatController

         chatController.uploadFile(uploadInfo) { uploadResults ->
             //.... got UploadResults and do whatever
                 Log.e(TAG, "Got an error on ${} 
                                     file upload: ${uploadsResults.error}")

        Upload results are passed over the provided callback.

      2. When using the Uploader

         BoldLiveUploader().upload(uploadInfo, AccountDetails(...)) { uploadResults ->
             //.... got UploadResults and do whatever
                 Log.e(TAG, "Got an error on ${} 
                                     file upload: ${uploadsResults.error}")
  • Use your own uploader

    • When user triggers an upload and chooses the content to be uploaded, upload that content with your uploader.
    • Pass an UploadEvent to the chatController with the upload results, in order to have the upload bubble in the chat.

          //.... do upload stuff
          // pass results to the SDK
          val uploadResults = UploadResults(FileUploadInfo?, NRError?)
          chatController.handleEvent(Upload, new UploadEvent(uploadResult));


Listening to upload notifications

One can listen to files upload events via the ChatController, by registering to the available uploads notifications he needs.

                    Notifications.UploadEnd, Notifications.UploadStart,
                    Notifications.UploadProgress, Notifications.UploadFailed)

// Notifiable implementation (notifiableImpl):

    override fun onNotify(notification: Notification, dispatcher: DispatchContinuation) {

        when (notification.notification) {
            Notifications.UploadFailed -> {
                (notification as UploadNotification).apply {
                    // uploadInfo:FileUploadInfo member is available

            Notifications.UploadProgress -> {
                (notification as ProgressNotification).apply {
                    // uploadInfo:FileUploadInfo member is available
                    // progress:Int member is also available

UI Customization

  • Customizing uploads progress indication

    The SDK provides uploads propress indication bar

    • The uploads bar can customized via ChatUIProvider.uploadsCmpUIProvider.configure.

        // display uploads summary bar as floating component 
        chatUIProvider.uploadsCmpUIProvider.configure = { adapter:UploadsCmpAdapter->
            adapter.apply {
    • The uploads bar can be overrided with your own implementation, via ChatUIProvider.uploadsCmpUIProvider.overrideFactory
      chatUIProvider.uploadsCmpUIProvider.overrideFactory =
            object: UploadsbarCmpUIProvider.UploadFactory {
                override fun create(context: Context): UploadsCmpAdapter {
                    return .... // create customed component
    • In order to notify the SDK that the component done with the uploads display and should be removed, pass CmpEvent to the ChatController:

                        CmpEvent(ComponentType.UploadsStripCmp, CmpEvent.Idle))

      Customizations that were configured with UploadsCmpUIProvider.configure will be applied on your customed component as well.

  • Customizing upload outgoing bubble

    Same as regular outgoing bubble customizations.

    • Customizing upload content type images

      Provided icons can be override by appying new drawables resources in the app resources with matching reasources ids.

      picture_ico, default_ico, excel_ico, archive_ico