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Customizing chat UI basics

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All customizable UI components enable the hosting app to apply some UI changes to the SDKs default implementations or replace them completely by custom components.

This can be done by providing a custumized instance of ChatUIProvider upon ChatController creation by the hosting App. The ChatUIProvider defines the SDKs UI components, and their default display. When a UI component is created, it will be customized and configured according to its specific definitions as configured on the ChatUIProvider.

Setting a customized ChatUIProvider instance:

// 1. create ChatUIProvider instance:
ChatUIProvider uiProvider = ChatUIProvider(context).apply{
    // change the chat screen background:

    // changing default properties for the incoming bubble views:
    chatElementsUIProvider.incomingUIProvider.configure = { adapter ->
        adapter.apply {

    // overriding feedback view factory:
            .feedbackUIProvider.overrideFactory = MyFeedbackFactory()

    ... // apply more customizations

// 2. Pass the instance to the ChatController Builder

Customization methods:

The ChatUIProvider provides access to the chat UI components configurations and creation. The UI components supports one or more of the following customization methods:

Component customization on creation

This object lists the customizable properties available for that component. In order to customize those properties, access the relevant config object from the ChatUIProvider instance, and set their values.

e.g., Set the text style for the chat input field

ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
    chatInputUIProvider.uiConfig.inputStyleConfig = StyleConfig(...)

The adapter defines the customization methods available for this component. In order to change the set of customization methods and their parameters, which are activated on the component, once it was created, access the relevant UI component definition from the ChatUIProvider instance, and override its configure method implementation.

e.g., Set the avatar image to incoming messages

ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
    chatElementsUIProvider.incomingUIProvider.configure = { adapter ->

Component customization on data update

Dynamic customization support, where configured customization is applied to a specific component when it gets its data. Components with dynamic customization support, defines a Configuration adapter and an ElementModel. Configuration adapter - defines a set of customization methods which can be applied to the component. ElementModel - defines the data that will be displayed by this component. The customize method, which is available for this component, on the ChatUIProvider, will be activated with those parameters, when the customization should be applied to it.
In order to change the set of customization methods and their parameters, access the relevant UI component definition from the ChatUIProvider instance, and override its customize method implementation.

e.g., Applying specific design properties if the incoming message came from a live agent

ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
    chatElementsUIProvider.incomingUIProvider.customize = { adapter: BubbleContentUIAdapter, element: IncomingElementModel? ->
        // The provided data model can be used to apply data dependant customizations.  
        element?.takeIf(it.elemScope.isLive)?.let {
            adapter.apply {
                setAvatar(ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.speaker_on))
                setTextStyle(StyleConfig(10, Color.WHITE))

Component customization by override

Defines a custom component or component layout which will replace the SDK default implementation.

  • Some UI components supports override by Custom implementation

Providing a custom component and implementing a specific interface, that will enable integration of the custom component with the SDK. The interface that should be implemented is defined by the component’s overrideFactory property type.

e.g., Custom feedback component, which should implement the FeedbackUIAdapter interface.

class MyFeedbackFactory : FeedbackUIProvider.FeedbackFactory{
    override fun create(context: Context, feedbackDisplayType: Int): FeedbackUIAdapter {
        return new FeedbackViewDummy(context);
            .feedbackUIProvider.overrideFactory = MyFeedbackFactory()
  • Some UI components support override of the view layout resource

Providing a custom layout resource file for the component layout, using ViewInfo object.

ViewInfo object defines the layout resource id and the id of the active view within the layout.

e.g., Replace the System message component layout

class CustomSystemMessageFactory : SystemElementUIProvider.SystemFactory{
    override fun info(): ViewInfo {
        return ViewInfo(R.layout.layout_name,
    chatElementsUIProvider.systemUIProvider.overrideFactory = CustomSystemMessageFactory()