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The SDK supports some voice related features, such as speech to text and text to speech.
Those features activation is defined by support levels. Each level adds some voice capabilities.

Configure voice support level

The level of support can be configured on the ChatController creation, by ConversationSettings object.
Use ConversationSettings.voiceSettings to define the desired Voice support level for the chats that will be created by the ChatController instance.
Actual voice support level is determine by the chat type support, where the configured level is the maximum allowed.

val settings = ConversationSettings().voiceSettings(

val chatController = ChatController.Builder(context)
                        .build(account, object : ChatLoadedListener {...})

The available voice support levels:

  • VoiceSupport.None - speech recognition is disabled.
  • VoiceSupport.SpeechRecognition - only speech recording is enabled. you can record your message and send it to the other chat partner.
  • VoiceSupport.VoiceToVoice - enables both speech recognition and response read out by the device.
  • VoiceSupport.HandsFree - voice to voice with auto listening and send of user messages and read out of responses.

⚜️ AI chats can be configured with level up to HandsFree, and live chats up to SpeechRecognition.

It is not recommanded to set support level to HandsFree mode while accessibility service is turned on, on the end user device. The two works with the same device’s speak resources, which will cause SDK’s auto read and recording of messages to malfunction.

Voice configurations

  • Configure spoken voice

    The configurations relevant to the read out voice; language, speech rate, volume, pitch, etc, are available via the ChatController. Those configurations can be changed at any time.

      chatController.configuration.ttsConfig.apply {
                          language = Locale.FRENCH // defaults to default locale
                          volume = 0.5f // defaults to 1.0f which is max volume

    👉 The language you set to the TTSConfig should be supported by the device, otherwise, the default locale will be used.

  • Some UI configurations are available to be changed via SendCmpUIProvider::uiConfig

      val chatUIProvider = ChatUIProvider().let{
              //... change default configurations here
              sendImage = ...
                  //... change default voice related UI configurations here
                  speakerImage = ...
                  micImage = ...
      // apply custom UI provider to the ChatController
      val chatController = ChatController.Builder(context)
                  .build(account, object : ChatLoadedListener {...}

Alternative readout

Provide an alternative text for the read out When voice support level is configured to VoiceSupport.VoiceToVoice or VoiceSupport.HandsFree, every voice sourced response will be parsed to a textual format to be read out.

📚 Voice sourced response = Response to a query that was fully or partially recorded by the user.

The default readout implementation combines the response body and available options to one readable string.

The SDK enables the hosting App to alternate some or all of the response readable text. In order to do so, an implementation of TTSReadAlterProvider should be set on the ChatController instance.
Once a readout response is received the TTSReadAlterProvider.alter method will be called.

📚 The response readout details are provided by ReadRequest.readoutMessage.

Custom alter provider

Implement a custom alter provider to change the result message for readout.

Custom implementation can change the result message as follows:

  1. Change the message details on readRequest.readoutMessage, and by that create an alternative string representation.
  2. Change the result text on readRequest.readResult.

📚 The final desired result string should be set on readRequest.readResult.

Once the custom provider done with message alternation, the provided callback should be activated (providing as parameter the ReadRequest).

// 👉 1. implement the provider:
val ttsProvider = object : TTSReadAlterProvider{
    override fun alter(readRequest: ReadRequest, 
                        callback: (ReadRequest) -> Unit) {
        //>> Option 1 - override readoutMessage details to get a customed result: 
        readRequest.readoutMessage.apply {
            // Persistent options Specific prefix override:
            persistentOptions?.forEachIndexed { index, option ->
                option.prefix = "Persistent option no. ${index + 1}"

            // Quick options Specific prefix override :
            quickOptions?.forEachIndexed { index, option ->
                option.prefix = "Quick option no. ${index + 1}"

            // Persistent options General prefix override:
            setPersistentPrefix("Persistent Options")

            // Quick options General prefix override :
            setQuickPrefix("Quick Options")

            // For General prefix for carousel options:
            (this as? CarouselReadoutMessage)?.setPrefixToItemsOptions("Carousel Option");            
            // Message body override
            body = "Altered message Body"
        //// Option 2: Override the provided default readout result:
        readRequest.readoutResult = "..." // set prepared string to be read 

        callback(readRequest) // pass back your changes

// 👉 2. Set your alter provider:
//>> option 1: On ChatController build:
val chatController = ChatController.Builder(context)
            .build(account, object : ChatLoadedListener {...}

//>> Option 2: On runtime:

📚 Setting the TTSReadAlterProvider to null, releases the alter provider reference. Default readout provider will be used to prepare responses readout text.

How to stop a readout

If a message readout should be stopped, e.g. when there’s an incoming phone call or other interruptions, use chatController.onChatInterruption() API, to stop the current active readout.

// Listening to incoming calls, in order to stop readout in progress:
    object : BroadcastReceiver() {
        override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
            Log.d("callAction", "Got broadcast on call action")
            if (chatController.isActive) {
    }, IntentFilter("android.CHAT_CALL_ACTION")