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Date and Time

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In the chat there are 2 main time related elements:

  • The dates notifications in the chat - grouping elements of the same date messages

  • The messages timestamp - usually appears arround the message bubble

Datestamp display

In order to change default datestamp display:

  1. Implement DatesampFormatFactory
  2. Pass that implementation to the ConversationSettings using ConversationSettings.datestamp method.

     class MyDatestampFactory : DatesampFormatFactory {
         override fun formatDate(datestamp:Long):String{
             return ...
     val settings = ConversationSettings()
                     .datestamp(true, myDatestampFactory)
                     //... set more settings
             //... do some initiations

Datestamp display factories

The SDK provides 2 predefined factories:

  • SimpleDatestampFormatFactory

Uses the pattern "EEE, d MMM, yyyy" to display dates

  • FriendlyDatestampFormatFactory default

Provides more common display, using today, yesterday phrases.

Disabling Datestamp display

The SDK enables to disable datestamp headers display altogther, as follows:

// deactivate datestamps
val settings = ConversationSettings()
                    //... set more settings

        //... do some initiations

Timestamp display

There are 2 ways of setting a new look to the timestamp display.

  1. Configure by chat settings

    Using ConversationSettings.timestampConfig method.

     val settings = ConversationSttongs()
             .timestampConfig(enable, TimestampStyle(
                 time_pattern, text_size, text_color, font_typeface
             //... set more settings
     //... do some initiations
  2. Overriding configure/customize

    Overriding the configure and/or customize methods and set the desired look for the timestamp on ChatUIProvider.chatElementsUIProvider.incomingUIProvider and/or ChatUIProvider.chatElementsUIProvider.outgoingUIProvider.

     val chatUI = ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
             this.chatElementsUIProvider.incomingUIProvider.configure = { adapter ->
                     this.setTimestampStyle(TimestampStyle(time_pattern, text_size, text_color))
             this.chatElementsUIProvider.outgoingUIProvider.configure = { adapter ->
                     this.setTimestampStyle(TimestampStyle("hh:mm aa", 10, Color.parseColor("#aeaeae")))
             //... do some initiations