Link Search Menu Expand Document

Chat Links

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Links in chat messages are presented to the user as such, and enables user selection.
The SDK does not handle the action that follows the links selection, it sends the link to the hosting app to further handling. The SDK doesn’t force specific action but lets the hosting app to develop its own processing.

The hosting app can listen to url links selections by implementing the ChatEventListener.onUrlLinkSelected method.

The app can react to links selections how ever it see fits.
The app can condition the url link open on user action.

⚜️ Optional usage can be, announcing with the accessibility service API of the selected url, and conditioning it’s activation on user action.

links announcement handling sample. see onUrlLinkSelected.

Linked article

The SDK does not handle url links opening, unless it’s an article link.
Article links are embeded in bot articles with a special format, are activated automatically by the SDK and actually passes a request for the selected article.

In-app links presses are handled by the SDK.

How to configure in-app navigation channels on Bold360ai console

  1. Navigate to Channeling -> Channeling Policy

  2. Create a new Channel.

  3. Fill up the next fields:
    • Channel name and description
    • Who’s the target audience
  4. At What To Do select Ticket

  5. Fill the relevant fields:
    • Label
    • Button action -> Open Custom URL
    • Fill the Link Url with the inApp navigation prefix (example: inApp://MainFragment)
  6. Click on Save Settings