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Handover Chat

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Handing the control of the chat to a provided custom HandoverHandler extension.
Intended to enable the option to start a chat with a third party provider.


Use this account to create chats with third party live chat providers. Usually used for creating Handover chats.

A HandoverAccount is being created automatically, by the SDK, when a chat with AI escalates to Handover chat, by chat channel selection.
The Handover configuration data, that was configured over the chat channel, will be configured to the account session .

val chatConfig = "provider defined configuration string"
val account = HandoverAccount(chatConfig)

Setting Handover chat escalation

Handover chat is automatically being activated, by the SDK, when chat channel configured with custom provider was selected on chat with AI.
A HandoverAccount is created according to the channel data.

Do the following for a successful Handover chat escalation.

  • Create Handover escalation channel

    Create a chat channel in the Bold360ai admin console, configured with custom provider.
    For more information see: How do I define a channeling policy?

  • Create HandoverHandler

    In order to be able to bridge between your third party chat implementation, and the bold chat SDK, you need to provide an extension of HandoverHandler to the ChatController. This handler will connect the user, the chat SDK and the third party chat in use.

      // Custom Handover handler:
      class MyHandover(context:Context) : HandoverHandler(context) {
          override fun startChat(accountInfo:AccountInfo?) {
              // create and start your custom chat session.
              // pass Started event to the ChatController, and to the App.
              passStateEvent(StateEvent(StateEvent.Started, getScope())
          override fun endChat(forceClose: Boolean) {
              // end your custom chat session.
              // pass Ended event.    
              passStateEvent(StateEvent(StateEvent.Ended, getScope()))
          override fun post(message: ChatStatement){
              // handle user message - pass it to your third party chat
              // Add the user message to the chat
      // Set custon Handover handler to the ChatContoller:
      // on ChatController creation:
      val chatController = ChatController.Builder(context)
      // or later:
      chatController.handoverHandler = myHandoverHandler                      

How to

  • Inject and update chat elements

    HandoverHandler base class provides various methods, like: injectElement, updateElement, storeElement, etc, that can be used while the handover chat is in progress.
    Base class implementations also make sure elements changes are passed to the ChatElementListener (History updates)

  • Display and enable the chat input field

    On chat start or/and on state StateEvent.Resumed, your custom handler should enable the chat input field, in order to let the user type messages. This can be done by activating the method enableChatInput. Override this method, if you need to configure different behavior to the field other than the default provided by its super.

  • Control chat UI components

    The HandoverHandler has access to a ChatDelegate implementation, which provides access to the chat fragments UI components, the chat elements and other abilities.

    e.g.: Controling AgentTyping UI component visibility state:

      // show AgentTyping:
      chatDelegate?.updateCmp(ComponentType.LiveTypingCmp, data = null)
      // hide AgentTyping:
  • Adding extra details and configurations for chat creation

    Handover chat is created by the hosting app. It is provided by a HandoverAccount that may contain some configurations needed for the chat.
    Before the chat starts, the app will be triggered to provide the account needed for the chat, at this point, details can be added to the the account SessionInfo property.
    If no extra details are needed, the account should be passed as is.