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Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Why do i need to implement
    1. Set data for chat creation
    2. Notified about chat session data
  3. Setting chat session configurations
  4. Ongoing session configurations updates


Provides the hosting app to set chat session data and configurations, for chat creation, and be notified about chat session updates.

Implementation should be passed on ChatController creation.

val chatController = ChatController.Builder(context)

Why do i need to implement

  • Set data for chat creation

    To be able to set data and configurations for chat session creation, when escalating from an ai chat.
    AccountInfoProvider.provide will be called, with a “starting point” Account. This account is configured with the details provided by the chat channel (like: apikey and appId). The App can set whatever is needs for the chat session before it passes the updated account on the callback.

      class SimpleAccountProvider : AccountInfoProvider {
          var accounts: MutableMap<String, AccountInfo> = mutableMapOf()
          override fun provide(account: AccountInfo, callback: Completion<AccountInfo>) {
                  // update session related data for the upcoming chat

  • Notified about chat session data

    To be able to receive account session data updates. like: chatId, SenderId, visitorId, etc.
    `AccountIfoProvider.update’ will be called with an updated account. The updated values (or the whole account) can be saved for later use.

    class SimpleAccountProvider : AccountInfoProvider {
      var accounts: MutableMap<String, AccountInfo> = mutableMapOf()
      override fun update(account: AccountInfo) {

Setting chat session configurations

Each account has a SessionInfo property. With this property you can provide extra data (see SessionInfoKeys) and configurations (see SessionInfoConfigKeys), that will be used in chat session creation.

Kotlin samples:

// set extraData for [Live chat]: to firstName,
                SessionInfoKeys.LastName to lastName,
                SessionInfoKeys.Email to email,
                SessionInfoKeys.Phone to phoneNumber, ...)

// Set live chat session to skip the prechat form: = true

// set user data for [Messaging chat]: = UserInfo(UserId).apply{
                                firstName = "firstname"
                                lastName = "lastname"
                                email = "email"
                                phoneNumber = "phone number" 
                                countryAbbrev = <country>
                                profilePic = URL

// set lastReceievdMessageId for [Messaging chat]: = ID               

// set SenderId for [Messaging chat]: = ID 

// set Bot chat welcome message id (override id configured in the Console): = articleId


java samples:

boldAccount.getInfo().addExtraData(new Pair(SessionInfoKeys.FirstName,firstName),...)

LiveSession.setLanguage(boldAccount.getInfo(), "fr-FR")

AsyncSession.setUserInfo(asyncAccount.getInfo(), new UserInfo(userId))

Ongoing session configurations updates

Some configurations may get updated while the chat is in progress.
As in Messaging chat, `LastReceivedMessageId’ is updated on every agent incoming message.
We provide a way for the embedding App, to be notified of these changes and be able to persist the most recent data.

Instead of AccountInfoProvider, pass an implementation of AccountSessionListener to the ChatController. Updates of ongoing configuration changes are passed over AccountSessionListener::onConfigUpdate method.

// call from SDK example:
accountListener?.onConfigUpdate(account, SessionInfoConfigKeys.LastReceivedMessageId, id)
class MySessionListener : AccountSessionListener {
    override fun onConfigUpdate(account: AccountInfo, updateKey: String, updatedValue: Any?) {
        val savedAccount = ... // fetch the relevant account record
            .addConfigurations(updateKey to updatedValue) // update the account record

        // Or use what ever mechanism you have to save specific account session data ...

val chatController = ChatController.Builder(context)