Missing entities and Personal information example Work in progress
Lets say the missing entity is REQUESTED_ACCOUNT
which is the account entity that is needded for the article.
For this example, the article body is:
The balance of your account ending with [[ACCOUNT.ID]] is [[ACCOUNT.CURRENCY]]
NOTE: The provider itself is not provided for this example. In order to get additional support please contact our support team.
First lets register this entity to the account:
BotAccount account = BotAccount(apiKey, accountName, kb, server).apply { entities = arrayOf("REQUESTED_ACCOUNT") }
Missing entitiy creation
This Entity would have a few properties:
- ID
So this Entity’s implementation is:
val accountEntityExp = Entity(...).apply{ name = "Account" addProperty(Property(...).apply { name = "ID" }) addProperty(Property(...).apply { name = "CURRENCY" }) addProperty(Property(...).apply { name = "TYPE" }) }
Provide the personal information for the Missing Entity
The requested private information for this entity is :
val personalBalanceExp = ...
Implementationclass BalanceEntitiesProvider : EntitiesProvider { // Provide the Personal Information override fun provide(personalInfoRequest: PersonalInfoRequest, callback: PersonalInfoRequest.Callback) { when (personalInfoRequest.id) { "getAccountBalance" -> callback.onInfoReady(personalBalanceExp, null) else -> callback.onInfoReady(..., null) } } // Provide the Missing Entites: override fun provide(entities: ArrayList<String>, onReady: Completion<ArrayList<Entity>>) { val missingEntities = NRConversationMissingEntities() for (missingEntity in entities) { if (entityName == "REQUESTED_ACCOUNT") { missingEntities.addEntity(accountEntityExp) } } (missingEntities.entities as? ArrayList<Entity>)?.apply { onReady.onComplete(this) } } }
Set the balance provider to the ChatController:
ChatController.Builder(getContext()).entitiesProvider(the EntitiesProvider implemintation)...build(...)