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Upgrading to 4.1.0 and higher

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Version 4.1.0 introduces some improvements and additions to chat elements structure. Most significant is the addition of explicit string identification property, the id.
Up to this version elements identification was done by their timestamp.

It is highly significant to folow the next steps in order to preserve your current saved chats history.

If you do not implement a history mechanism, or don’t have long lasting chats history, this doc is not relevant to you.

Steps to successful migration

Following upgrading SDK version imports to version 4.1.0 or higher, the following changes will be requested.

  1. Change imports of ChatElement and StorableChatelement packages as follows:

    import com.nanorep.convesationui.structure.elements.ChatElement
    import com.nanorep.convesationui.structure.elements.StorableChatElement
  2. Update StorableChatElement implementations with the addition of getId method.

     code snippet of HistoryElement which we use as chat element storage 
     record presentation using `Room Persistence Library`. 
    class HistoryElement() : StorableChatElement {
     private var id: String = ""
     private var groupId:String = ""
     private var timestamp: Long = 0
     // ... define additional properties
     constructor(groupId: String, storable: StorableChatElement) : this() {
         this.groupId = groupId
         id = storable.getId()
         timestamp = storable.getTimestamp()
         // ... additional initializations
     // implementing the added method:
     override fun getId(): String {
         return id
     fun setId(id: String){ = id
     // ... additional setters/getters
  3. Update ChatElementListener implementation, by adding the new methods:

    • onRemove(id: String)
    • onUpdate(id: String, item: StorableChatElement)
    class RoomHistoryProvider : ChatElementListener {
       override fun onUpdate(id: String, item: StorableChatElement) {
           // ... surround with async activation  
           historyDao.update(groupId, id, item.getTimestamp(), item.getStorageKey(), item.getStatus())
       override fun onRemove(id: String) {
           // ... surround with async activation 
           historyDao.delete(groupId, id)
    // correlating sqlite methods defined as follow:
    interface HistoryDao {
       // ....
       @Query("UPDATE historyElement SET `key`=:key, `status`=:status, `timestamp`=:timestamp WHERE groupId=:groupId and id=:id")
       suspend fun update(groupId: String, id: String, timestamp: Long, key: ByteArray, status: Int)
       @Query("DELETE FROM historyElement WHERE groupId=:groupId and id=:id")
       suspend fun delete(groupId: String, id: String)
    // groupId - identifies the chat in which the chat element was created. 
    // id - identifies uniquely the chat element. 
  4. Update as/if needed your current history support storage.

    It can be by adding an Id column to a table, or what ever is needed, according to your implementation. After this update, your history implementation should be able to update and remove elements according to their id.

    // Using Room migration capabilities:
    // We create a new table with a new Id column and copy to it the previous saved history:
    val migration = object : Migration(oldVer, newVer) {
       override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
           database.execSQL("""Create TABLE new_HistoryElement (
               groupId TEXT NOT NULL,
               scope INTEGER NOT NULL,
               inDate INTEGER NOT NULL,
               textContent TEXT NOT NULL,
               type INTEGER NOT NULL,
               isStorageReady INTEGER NOT NULL,
               key BLOB NOT NULL,
               timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL,
               status INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1);""")
           database.execSQL("""INSERT INTO new_HistoryElement (eId, groupId,
               scope,inDate,textContent,type,isStorageReady,key,timestamp, status) 
               SELECT timestamp, groupId,
               scope,inDate,textContent,type,isStorageReady, key,timestamp,status FROM HistoryElement;""")
           database.execSQL("DROP TABLE HistoryElement;")
           database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE new_HistoryElement RENAME TO HistoryElement;")
    return Room.databaseBuilder(context, DB_CLASS_TYPE, DB_NAME)
  5. Convert (migrate) current stored elements to the new StorableChatElement scheme - optional

    see Migration tool

Migration tool

We’ve provided a tool with the SDK to help you convert your current saved chats history to the new scheme. Migration operation should be done once.

How to start the migration

Pass implementation of ElementMigration to start the migration operation, as follows:

HistoryMigration.Companion.start(new HistoryMigrationImpl(context));

Once started, onFetch will be called on your ElementMigration implementation, to provide a list of elements that should be converted. onFetch will be called again and again, until an empty list was fetched, indicating that there no more elements to convert.

Each fetched block of elements will be converted and passed back on onReplace(from: Int, migration: Map<String, StorableChatElement>?) method.
migration maps old elements ids to the new converted StorablChatElement, (which should replace the old one on your history support storage).

If no old elements were found on fetched list, onReplace will be called with empty migration map.

// Our sample implementation:

class HistoryMigrationProvider : ElementMigration {
    // ...

    // fetch block of elements from the elements table 
    // (no matter what the groupId is)
    override fun getCount(toIndex: Int, fromIdx: Int): MutableList<HistoryElement> {
        fetchedChunk = historyDao.getCount(toIndex, fromIdx - toIndex)
        return fetchedChunk
    // Migrated elements are inserted into the table instead the old ones.
    override fun onReplace(from: Int, migration: Map<String, StorableChatElement>?) {
        migration?.forEach {(prevId, storable) ->
            val (groupId, inDate) = fetchedChunk.find { it.getId() == prevId }?.let{ it.groupId to it.inDate}?: null to null
            groupId?.run {
                // delete old element:
                historyDao.delete(this, prevId) 
                // inset new converted element:
                historyDao.insert(HistoryElement(this, storable)...) 

see full sample