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Article page readmore

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Article page opens up when the read more indication is selected on the incoming message. The purpose of that screen is to display the full article, as it is cut on the chat bubble.

The article page displays the articleโ€™s title, content, feedback and channels.
Feedback and channel selection are functional on the full article display as well.

UI configurations

Basically, the article is displayed on a WebView as an HTML page. All the tags, styles, fonts, colors, etc, that were added to the article content to configure how it is presented to the user, when edited on the Console editor, are available on the mobile display as well. On the SDK we enables set and override of article display properties.

The article page configurations (defaults to the console edited version) can be set using ChatUIProvider.articleUIProvider.

๐Ÿ‘‰ At this point, the article page is configurable but not overrideable.

ArticleUIProvider contains ArticleUIConfig for page configuration settings, and a QuickOptionUIProvider property, if the channels display should be different than in the chat. The feedback component will have the same style as was configured to it on the chat display.

Passing article page configuration to the SDK is done as follows:

val customProvider = ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
    articleUIProvider.apply {
        articleUIConfig.apply { // title, body, and general page configurations 
        channelsUIProvider.apply { // Channels list UI configurations
            //... do some initiations

Article configurations

Article page configuration can be set by ArticleUIProvider.articleUIConfig.

Value of null, will display the article as designed on the console editor.

๐Ÿ“š What can be configured
  • General page properties, such as, padding, margins, background.

  • CloseUIConfig - Defines configurations for the page close button. Image, padding, margins, location, etc.
    • Set to null to prevent its display.
    • Can be configured to display image, text, or both.
  • TitleUIConfig - Defines background and font style configurations, for the articleโ€™s title.

  • BodyUIConfig - Defines background and font style configurations, for the article content.
Extra details...
val customProvider = ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
    articleUIConfig.apply {
        // Defines screen close button configurations:
        closeUIConfig = CloseUIConfig(...)

        // Since 4.5.1 - Adjusts the page's paddings

        // Since 4.5.1 - Adjusts article components paddings

        // Since 4.4.0 Deprecated on 4.5.1 - Adjusts article content top, bottom marigns
        verticalMargin = x to y // Pair of top bottom margin values, in pixels
        // Since 4.4.0 - Configures the page's background:
        background = .... // Drawable 
        // e.g. ColorDrawable(Color.BLUE) or ContextCompat.getDrawable(context,

        // Since 4.4.0 - Configure the article's title properties:
        title.apply {
            font = ... // StyleConfig
            // e.g. StyleConfig(16, ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.color_def), Typeface.DEFAULT)
            background = ... // Drawable
            // e.g. ColorDrawable(Color.RED) or ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.title_bg)

        // Since 4.4.0 - Configures the article's body properties:
        body.apply {
            // Sets font configurations, to the article content.
            setFont(14.px, Color.RED, "serif", Typeface.BOLD) // DEPRECATED!! on 4.7.0
            // From 4.7.0 use:
            setFont("monospace", 14.px, Color.WHITE, Typeface.ITALIC)
            // Since 4.7.0 custom font can be set for the article content as well:
            // setFont("great_vibes", "file:///android_asset/fonts/great_vibes.otf", StyleConfig(...))
            // setFont("bombing", "file:///android_res/font/bombing.ttf", StyleConfig(14.px, Color.RED))
            background = ... // Int color
            // e.g. Color.BLACK
๐Ÿ“š How to configure font style to article body

Font configurations can be set with BodyUIConfig.setFont methods, and will be applied to the article display.
The article content is displayed in a WebView as an HTML page, so font configurations are translated to CSS definitions.

The SDKs font configurations overrides the configurations that were set to the article in the console editor. The changes defined for the mobile display do not change the actual article source.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Configure a built-in font

setFont(fontFamily, fontSize, fontColor, typefaceStyle)

  • fontFamily is the font name. e.g. monospace, serif, condensed, etc
๐Ÿ‘‰ Configure a custom font

setFont(fontFamily, fontUrl, styleConfig)
Custom fonts setting will take effect on devices with API > 18.
Custom fonts can be located on assets directory or available as font resource.

  • fontUrl - Defines the font location, in url format.
    • A file Uri points to a font file located on the project.
      e.g. file:///android_asset/fonts/myFont.otf
    • A url link points to a font located remotely (available on API > 22).
      e.g. https://....../myfont.woff2

โšœ๏ธ The SDK provides 2 helper methods to create a file uri:

  • assetsFileUri(assetPath:String) - Gets the path to the font file in the assets directory.
    // e.g. create file:///android_asset/fonts/myFont.otf
  • resourceFileUri(resourcePath:String) - Gets the path to the resource file in the resources directory
    // e.g. create file:///android_res/font/fontRes.ttf`

    Font resources are supported on API > 25, but can be used as fontUrl, as mentioned above, on devices with lower API level.

val customProvider = ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
    articleUIConfig.apply {
        // Sets to custom font named "bombing" which is located on font resource directory:
        body.setFont("bombing", resourceFileUri("font/bombing.ttf"))
        // Sets to custom font named "great_vibes" which is located on assets directory.
        // The font will be of size 25px, color gray, and will have "italic" style:
        body.setFont("great_vibes", assetsFileUri("fonts/great_vibes.otf"), StyleConfig(25, Color.GRAY,

        // Sets to built-in font with size 20px, blue color and bold italic style 
        body.setFont("monospace", 20, Color.BLUE, Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)
๐Ÿ“š How to configure font style to article title

Article titleโ€™s font is configured by StyleConfig, which defines size, color and type.
Font type is defined by a Typeface value.
e.g.: Typeface.Default, Typeface.SANS_SERIF
Typeface can also be created from a custom font (which should be located on the appโ€™s project)

val customProvider = ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
    articleUIConfig.apply {
        // Sets to custom font named "bombing" which is located on font resource directory:
        title.font = StyleConfig(25, Color.GRAY, Typeface.defaultFromStyle(Typeface.ITALIC))

        // Sets to built-in font with size 20px, blue color and bold italic style  
        title.font = StyleConfig(25, Color.GRAY, Typeface.createFromAsset(context.assets, "fonts/great_vibes.otf")
๐Ÿ“š Article Close button

By default a close window button will be available on the pageโ€™s top right. Button configurations are set with CloseUIConfig.

val customProvider = ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
    articleUIConfig.closeUIConfig.apply {
        position = ...  // Alignment setting according to UiConfigurations.Alignment options

        drawable = ....  // A DrawableConfig object, setting the drawable to display. null, for text only display.

        closeText = ... // close text, in case we want to display a text along side the image

        // Defines the paddings of the Close Button:

        // Defines margins of the Close Button

Hiding the Close window button, can be done by setting itโ€™s configuration to null.

  val customProvider = ChatUIProvider(context).apply {
      articleUIProvider.articleUIConfig.closeUIConfig = null

Channels configurations

The page displayed channels list can be configured using QuickOptionUIProvider property.
Follow quick options configuration, for more details.